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Calculating Child Support

Child Support Payments in CA

When it comes to child support, each state has its own way of calculating how much each parent must pay to support their child after divorce, or if they were never married. Some states have a set amount depending on each parent's income and the number of children. Some states use a graduated guideline. California has one of the most complicated means of calculating child support, which includes using the following formula:

  • CS = K (HN – (H%)(TN))

Even one glance at this formula can be discouraging, but with the counsel of a skilled Mission Viejo child support attorney from the Hunter Law Group, you can work out the proper amount of child support that you should be paying or receiving in your case. Our firm has extensive experience in all areas of family law and can ensure that you are not required to pay more or receive less than you and your child deserve.

Explaining the California Child Support Guidelines

To give you an idea of why it is in your best interest to hire a child support attorney to assist you in this matter, let us briefly explain the complex process of calculating child support in California. First, here are the definitions of each part of the formula:

  • CS = "Child support," or the amount of support that the formula is meant to determine
  • K = The combined amount of both parents' incomes that have been allocated for child support
  • HN = "High net," or the monthly disposable income (net income minus living expenses) of the higher-income parent
  • H% = The approximate percentage of time that the higher-income parent will be have physical custody and responsibility over their child
  • TN = "Total net," or the combined net monthly incomes of both parents

To determine the amount of child support for your case, you must first multiply the total net of both parents' incomes by the percentage of time that the higher-income parent will have custody. You will then subtract that number from the monthly disposable income of the higher-income parent and multiply it by the combined amount of both parents' incomes allocated for child support.

This may seem simple at first, but before you use this formula, you must first be certain that your net income and that of the other parent are properly determined. If even a small mistake is made and the allocated income for support is improperly calculated for one or both parents, the amount of support could be too high or too low. That is why you cannot afford to hire an Orange County family law attorney who is inexperienced in the area of child support. The Hunter Law Group can help you gather the documentation and evidence necessary to properly calculate your income and your spouse's income. Only then can child support be properly calculated using the formula above.

Hire a Qualified Divorce Attorney in Mission Viejo, CA

The Hunter Law Group has more than 30 combined years of experience in family law. We put families first and always look out for the best interests of our clients and their children. Speak with us today if you need to fight for a fair child support settlement or court order. Otherwise, you could be required to pay more or receive less than is fair for your family law case. Our attorneys are dedicated to providing the highest quality service and the best results every time. We will thoroughly prepare your case so that you and your child are both benefited by the outcome of your case. Contact our firm today to schedule a consultation!

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  • Decades of Legal Experience

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